Wiser Together: One Story of Transformation


Gabe has been attending Willow for over ten year and regularly for two years, but he just got connected to a community four months ago. It all began with him and his family finding their way to a section event. There he connected with others from the section and signed up to receive weekly section emails.  After spending some time with his section leader, Praveen Kommu, he and his family began sitting in section 104B at 11:15 regularly. It was apparent, however, that he was still uncertain and checking things out.

His section leader invited Gabe and his family to share a meal with some couples from their section. Over lunch, Gabe got a taste of community he hadn’t had in a long time. He had allowed family and other commitments to crowd out many of his friendships.

After experiencing that type of community, he was excited about getting more connected and jumped at the opportunity to join a Wiser Together group, his first small group. “It was really cool to see Gabe progress throughout the study. The first week he joined my Wiser Together group with five other guys whose names he didn’t even know. On week three, he felt safe to ask questions, and those questions revealed his desire to understand and hear from God.  Finally, on week six, after the group met, he accepted Christ as his Savior. Praise God!” said Praveen.

Since making a decision for Christ, Gabe has reached out to a single dad from the section and arranged times to hang out with their kids. He was among the first financial contributors to the Christmas gathering, and he’s actively volunteering at church for the first time in his life. During the Christmas services he brought 25 people to the Christmas Eve service. Gabe has clearly caught the vision to “make big church small” and help others find community and a relationship with Christ that he found through his section.

Gabe’s story is similar to many others who may have attended Willow for years, but have never gotten involved. They are now finding connection, friends, and Christ through sections communities. How incredible it is to see Christ transform lives through these micro-communities.


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