Willow North Shore Engages at Midweek


This past Thursday, Willow North Shore launched our Winter midweek experience, Engage, where 330 adults and children gathered to share a meal of Chick-fil-A and study the Word of God together.

Engage focuses on the greatest commandment:

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these. [Mark 12:30-31]

The experience includes three main elements:

Teaching—Engage dives into scripture to learn what it means to love the Lord with all our Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength, and consider how to live it out. Our line-up of teachers includes Steve Gillen, Nancy Beach and Greg Hawkins.

Assessment and Growth Plan—A key take-away with this experience is the opportunity to benchmark specific areas of relationship with God and others to foster spiritual growth. We have developed assessments for each core area: Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength, as well as an overall Growth Plan.

Bible Study—Participants are encouraged to be self-feeders by committing to a five-week Bible Study during the experience that takes them into scripture on a daily basis. Participants have the option to receive a daily text message with Quick Start study or to take a Closer Look at studying scripture in depth. If you would like to participate in the Quick Start study, send your name and cell phone number to Jon at jnoto@willowcreek.org.


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