Willow Creek Huntley Celebrates Two Years!


In the weeks leading up to the May 19 celebration, Campus Pastor Craig Springer asked Willow Creek Huntley: “How has God worked in your life through this church?” As people arrived on Sunday morning—through smiles and tears and overwhelming gratitude—they read answer after answer to his question. The lobbies were filled with signs proclaiming words like: “I believe.” “I am restored and redeemed.” “I have found Christ.” “I am a new person.” “My whole family has been saved.” “This church reignited my faith.” “This church gave me a family, a home, a hope.”

People walked slowly, celebrating every word and pausing to exclaim over pictures—pictures telling the stories of life change, of baptisms, of connections, of discipleship, of a multitude of “Only God” moments.

And, in a bursting auditorium, the stories continued. From the stage, between choruses of “Thank You, God, for Saving Me,” people shared their testimonies. Some excerpts:

  • “I have been to many churches—none like this. It was truly amazing to come into a church and experience the love of Christ in each and every person!”
  • “I am a different person because of Willow Creek Huntley – saved, baptized, connected, praying, serving, inviting. When I look back at these last two years – just two years! – at Willow Creek Huntley, I am amazed. I know what God has done in my life and through this church. Amazing.”

Senior Pastor Bill Hybels spoke through a video to the congregation, congratulating and encouraging them for carrying out the vision and mission of Willow Creek to Huntley and the surrounding area.

In words, in pictures, in testimonies, in stories, Willow Creek Huntley is always described as “home.” It is fitting, then, that in his anniversary message, Craig would inspire his congregation to continue building and creating and welcoming people “Home.”

Following his message, applause broke out and laughter and tears came as the band played “Home” while two years worth of “Only God” moments flashed across the screens.

And, of course, because it was Willow Creek Huntley (where food and community are ever-present) there was birthday cake and a group photo.

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