Whispers: A Live Q&A with Bill Hybels and Jim Mellado


One of the greatest thrills of the Christ-following life comes from hearing directly from God. Are you listening? What does it mean to hear God and respond? On Friday, October 29, Bill Hybels joins Jim Mellado for a live Q&A webcast as they unpack what it really means to listen to God’s whispers.

The one-hour webcast is free and begins at noon CST on October 29. Sign up.  Following the webcast, the video will be posted on the WCA website.

1 Comment:

  • October 28, 2010

    Just signed up to make sure that I am listening to God and being obedient. I do not want to end up like King Saul because after a while God stopped speaking to him although he prayed and sought His wisdom and guidance and then malice entered the King’s heart. It would appear that the king made one big mistake even though he fulfilled 90% of what God asked him to do but that did not cut it. That 10% was enough to severe all ties.

    I wonder if this seemingly one-time shot for King Saul was due to the fact that he was not under Grace?

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