We’ve Only Just Begun


In the first church-wide push for volunteerism in several years, nearly every ministry had a lobby presence during the Ministry Expo.  And the response has been overwhelming.

During the three weekends the expo ran, January 26-February 10, 2724 cards were submitted. Thanks to the additional effort by every team on staff, those who turned in a card received a phone call or email within the week.

As next steps, training, and follow up continue, the stories are beginning to pour in as people get connected and use their spiritual gifts, natural abilities, and professional skills to make a difference for the kingdom. Stories like Diana’s.

Diana is a single mom who has been attending less than a year. She sits in section 207 during the 11:15 service and took the spiritual gifts survey the first week it was available. When one of her top three gifts came in as administration, her section leader, Barb DeWaard, asked her to help with a one-time data entry serve. The serve was actually helping the team follow up with those who submitted a sign-up card during the expo. Diana had such a great experience serving she not only came back every week for the rest of the expo, but she has since signed on to serve as an administrative assistant in her section.  Diana said she is thoroughly enjoying “growing, giving back, and going deeper” with her section community.

Many other stories have come from the expo as well, and not just from the new volunteers. Ministries like C.A.R.S. experienced record numbers of volunteer coming to serve when their usual 32 volunteers turned into 58 one week during the expo. Other ministries, like Trades and Engineering, discovered volunteers who are excited to serve but assumed Willow only used paid contractors for that type of work.

The volunteer expo not only helped recruit and connect great people with serving opportunities, but it was also excellent exposure to the variety of ministries Willow has and the need that exists in nearly every ministry for more help. The expo broke down assumptions for the congregation that Willow “doesn’t need me”. As follow up and first-time serves continue to take place, the transformation and spiritual growth that comes from serving consistently and giving to build the Kingdom, has only just begun.


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