Welcome Back Chris Hurta



What is your new role and what will you be doing?
I serve in Pastoral Care working with areas of Prayer, ERT (Elder Response Team), TRT (Teaching Review Team), Funerals and training others in the area of Pastoral Care.

Where were you before coming back to Willow?
I served as a Campus Pastor in Austin, Texas.

Why did you come back?
Besides missing the winters, the alignment with the DNA of Willow, along with some family dynamics changing we believed God was leading me and my family back.

What is one thing you are looking forward to?
To seeing more people come to Christ through the avenue of crisis and pain and develop more of our church to meet the needs around them.

We are so glad you are back  with us Chris!


  • Eileen Walsh
    July 31, 2012

    What does ERT & TRT stand for?

  • Sara Albitre
    July 31, 2012

    Welcome back Pastor Chris. I know Willowcreek is blessed to have you back. I know alot of people who are happy to have you back. Will you be back in the Prayer Room?
    Blessing always

  • Wally Marshall
    July 31, 2012

    Welcome home Chris, Kay and girls… I trust that Michale kept the yard looking nice and the house safe. How is your mom doing with the move back to Chicago? See you around the C building and encourage you to connect as a couple to Section 208-209 at 11:15. A wonderful plug for the best Section community.

    Wally Gator

  • LaVerne Weber
    August 2, 2012

    Chris, Thanks for following the call to Chicago many years ago and returning for this season. You and your family are a blessing.

    Now, about Section Communities…………………… remember, there are many great options in the Mezz. :>))))))

  • Leo English
    August 3, 2012

    Welcome back Chris. May there be peace within as you trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

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