WCA Resources Available for Church Staff


This year the WCA has worked hard to hone its product offerings to be more aligned with our desire to help church leaders be more effective in leading for transformation. As a result, many Willow Creek resources will no longer be inventoried and distributed through the WCA.

We want to offer church staff at Willow the opportunity to purchase our obsolete inventory. Inventory for WCCC Staff to view the resources we have available. Staff might want these resources for their personal use, use in their ministries, or to give away to volunteers.

Any church staff members who are interested should complete the Order Form and return to Jessica Mason (masonj@willowcreek.org) at the WCA. Note that a credit card number must accompany each order.

Would you want to pass this information on to your staff? The cost of the resources is cost + 10% + shipping. The spreadsheet shows the cost of each resource and the InvID# they would use for ordering. The deadline for submitting their orders would be Friday, September 21, 2012. Please communicate that many of these resources have already been removed from our website and if a staff member wants more information about the product, they can probably find it on Amazon or CBD.

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