The First Spanish Language GLS at Willow


The Casa team just finished debriefing the Spanish language Global Leadership Summit last Thursday and walked away blessed by the many wins which were discussed. We’re already planning our 2013 Summit! This year, there were 200 pastors, ministry, and community leaders in attendance, as well as members of the press.  We had churches come from as far away as Washington state to partake in the first of six Spanish language Global Leadership Summits that will take place this year in the US.

Bill opened the Summit and set the tone for the whole event.  After his opening talk, his video session, Holy Discontent, was shown.  Jim Mellado addressed the audience live and in Spanish, followed by Christine Caine’s session Leading on the Edge of Fear, which concluded Friday.

Saturday’s lineup included John Ortberg’s A Leaders Greatest Fear, Cory Booker‘s Stand Up and Jack Welch’s Leader to Leader. The closing session was live, and was given by our very own Hector Hermosillo.  English translation was provided throughout the event for the benefit of our attenders who were English-only speakers.

There was also a Q&A lunch forum hosted by World Relief addressing the topic of deferred action, a highly debated immigration process which allows undocumented immigrants to seek temporary legal residence in the U.S. This forum was for those seeking to better understand their role as a leader within this process and the impact their recommendations can make.

One component that made the Summit such a success was the number of partnerships forged with local leaders; leaders like Alberto Lopez, the senior pastor of Calvary Naperville’s Spanish community, Jonathan Alarcon, a radio host for Moody Radio’s Spanish program, and Milenka Pena, the host of Focus on the Family in Spanish.

Our team was humbled to learn from the WCA that this Summit hit goals which take most Summits five years to achieve. We realize, though that metrics fall short in measuring the comprehensive effect of transformation that this weekend represented. That is something which will only be evident in the fruit born as a result of the developed leadership of each attender.

The team was blessed to catch a glimpse of this fruit after John Ortberg’s session.  Groups of people throughout the lobby spontaneously gathered in circles to pray.  When asked if they were all part of a group that came together, they responded “No we never met before today.  We just felt a need to pray together as a result of what God was teaching us in this last session [A Leaders Greatest Fear].”

We can’t place into words the impact this particular Summit had in the life of our leadership team as a whole.  We are looking forward to 2013 and to what God has in store in the next leg of our journey.

The Casa Team


1 Comment:

  • Juan Guillen
    September 28, 2012

    I love this article!

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