Student Impact Camp Needs Our Prayers


We asked Student Impact what are their greatest prayer needs right now as they head into their camp called Sandblast.  Alicia Tracey said:

Our biggest prayer request right now is for additional scholarship funds as the need this year has been greater than any other year. God provided in amazing ways at Blast last year when we ran out of funds and he made a way for every student to be able to go to camp.  We are praying and trusting that God will provide again for our last 40 students to be able to go to Sandblast. In addition, we are praying that our students are bold in their asks of their of their friends who don’t know God or go to church to come to Sandblast and experience God for some for the first time. Lastly, for guidance and wisdom in what to teach, safety in travel and competition and strength and endurance for all the staff and over 240 adult volunteers who help make Sandblast possible.

Please join us in praying!

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