Section Leaders: The Latest and Greatest


We’re making big church small,” says Shane Farmer, “one section community at a time!”

Section communities are being launched at a rapid pace around Willow these days.  Over the last six months, almost every seat at the 11:15am service has become part of a section community. While numbers are changing on a weekly basis, the current number of section communities is approximately 35.

The energy at the weekend service is increasing, not just from what is happening on stage, but from the section communities that are being formed as people connect with each other and build an Acts 2 community based on where they sit.  In addition to meeting together at the service, these communities are living out the values of evangelism, discipleship, compassion and justice through gatherings around the service and throughout the week.

But there is more to come.  During the latter half of 2012, the Discipleship Team will focus on launching additional sections at the Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. services as well, with hopes to double the current 35 section communities by year-end.  The goal is that every single person who attends our church will have the opportunity to be connected and deeply invested in one of these Acts 2 communities!

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