Prayers Needed


As you all know, the Student Impact team heads out bright and early July 12 to their four-day summer retreat, Sandblast. This year nearly 1700 students and volunteers will take over the campus of Indiana Wesleyan University.

Would you join us in praying for a transformational weekend for each student present? Below are a few specific prayer requests.

  1. With so many people coming to camp, one of our biggest prayers is for safety. Ask God to protect students and leaders during all travel and competition times, so no injuries would distract from what God is doing.
  2. Also, pray that competition might draw students closer to each other in ways that would allow them to feel safe to share their hearts in small group time.
  3. Please pray that God’s presence would be apparent in all aspects of the community building and discipleship that takes place.

Thank you in advance for joining us in prayer!

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