Pineapple Mayhem



On Friday evening, March 6, hundreds of junior high students will be bringing their friends to our church campus to experience a night of fun and entertainment, including more large inflatables than you’ve ever seen, a performance by Comedy Sportz, and a video message from Elevate students telling their friends how God has impacted their lives through Elevate.
Our biggest outreach event of the year, Pineapple Mayhem is designed for Elevate students to bring their friends who don’t normally attend church. We would really love your prayers that God would move in the lives of these students, and that they would return to an Elevate church service following the event…and perhaps even bring their family with them!
This is an amazing time for our students as well as volunteers, and we need a few hundred volunteers to help us pull it off. If you or anyone you know is interested in serving at this event, we would love to have you!
Register to serve with us at!

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