Paul JVR Reports from Zimbabwe

Paul JVR writes from Harare in Zimbabwe…
Had an unbelievable experience in rural Zimbabwe in a village called Seke–a  lot of the seed we packed during Celebration of Hope went there. We captured amazing stories of life change. For instance, Sophia, a grandma caring for her 5 grandkids. (All 3 her children died due to AIDS/sickness.) Sophia told God all she knew how to do was  plant & work a garden & He needed to provide seeds. It happened and now, as a grandma, she solely takes care of her 5 grandkids. On top of that, she’s is doing so well that she even sells more vegetables than what they keep!
Then, as we captured another guy’s story, the entire village showed up–John from Life Ministries who decided to give every person a seed packet, no strings attached. They were so moved, the leaders asked us to give them encouragement & talk about God, so, Craig Springer and I ministered to the entire village. Craig  did the 1st 10 min and I followed with 10 min, & an altar call & the entire village committed their lives to Christ . It was UNBELIEVABLE!


  • Sue
    December 16, 2010

    Praise God for leading people to Himself…hope for their situation now and hope for eternity!

  • Chrissie
    December 17, 2010

    I felt like I was reading a story from Scripture. Wish I was there!

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