OS X Yosemite Update


Apple has released its newest Mac software, OS X Yosemite. With
all new software there can be bugs and unexpected problems, especially
with brand new software. If you do not keep a Time Machine backup of
your Mac and are not comfortable restoring backups, we would like to
recommend that you wait to install Yosemite for at least one month. This
allows Apple and other software developers to discover problems and test
fixes. On Oct. 21-24, IT will not be available to restore your
computer if you install an update that causes problems, so we urge you
to wait or create a ticket the schedule an update with us for a later

Although Yosemite is a free update from Apple, several third-party apps
may not be compatible and require a paid upgrade. If you are not sure if
your applications are compatible, you may create a ticket to get a
report of the licensed software that IT has installed on your Willow

If you need instructions to reverse a software update, see

As always, you may create a ticket at

-Willow Creek IT Ministry

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