NEW! Camp Paradise Song



(The song is available for download at or on iTunes)

Izzy Kamptner (16) and her dad  Randy have attended Father/Daughter Camp many times at Camp Paradise.  They wrote this fabulous song inspired by Camp Paradise and Izzy is the vocalist. It is a professional recording with Verlyn Suderman on piano, Tom Vitacco on guitar, Shawn Sommer on Bass and Randy Kamptner on drums.

FullSizeRender Randy says about the song, “I was baptized in the Tahquamenon River as a high school student. Little did I know that decades later, I would be crossing that same river as a dad, joined by my son and daughter to experience Camp Paradise all over again. Writing the song with my daughter Izzy was our way of packaging the memories my kids and I have made there so that we would have them for a lifetime. It also was written as a tribute to our great God and the visionaries that made Camp Paradise possible. Our hope is that the song instills many of the same memories for countless other dads, sons and daughters, both now and for generations to come.”


The song is available for download at or on iTunes. All proceeds for the sale of the song from either location will benefit Camp Paradise, though more of your donation goes to Camp when purchased at

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