Midweek for Kids Update


When we think of the impact that Midweek for Kids is having on the life of our church, we think of one specific story of a little girl who chose to go to the art track.  In the days following, she gathered her friends together and they played “art track.”  Through her art, she finally expressed how she was feeling about her family to her mother.  When her mother heard what her daughter was experiencing in their family, it led the little girl’s parents to work on their marriage by attending a workshop on Wednesday nights.  That’s what Midweek for Kids is all about: children learning to express themselves and gain confidence, and thus affecting the life of the whole family.  Midweek for Kids is a place for kids to build confidence through discovering how to understand the Bible and experiencing the track of their choice: art, drama, or team challenge.  Something amazing that we have seen happen on Wednesday nights is the joy the kids find in choosing their track.  We find that the kids take on ownership of the evening and enjoy themselves in doing so.

With the move of Oasis from Monday nights to Wednesday nights, and the offering of Midweek for Kids to all Midweek families, we have seen a tremendous growth of community.  The number of children in attendance has doubled from Monday nights, and we truly believe that it has been through God’s leading that this has happened.  God is redeeming families and it is amazing to see the ways that God is using all of the ministries on Wednesday nights TOGETHER to make it happen.

Kirsten Hitchcock and Brittany Weygandt
Midweek for Kids


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