It’s All About Connection at Midweek


Willow Creek Elder

Growing Stronger is a process—sometimes we take quantum leaps in our faith, other times we take baby steps. And there are times when we even slide back a bit. It’s all part of the process and since January, Willow has been focused on unpacking what Scripture says about what it takes to grow stronger in key areas of our lives.

Strengthening key areas of our lives also happens at Willow’s Midweek. “The worship, in-depth Bible teaching, and diverse array of workshops and classes offered at Midweek are great opportunities to be stretched and challenged,” says Teaching Pastor Steve Carter.

But it’s more than that.

“Each Wednesday night, people gather at Dr. B’s before the service to build community; they meet for a meal at Harvest; they stop in the prayer room to pray. When you get right down to it, it’s about connection—connecting with God and connecting with others.”

This spring, the Midweek teaching team continues the study of Psalms following worship in the Lakeside Auditorium on Wednesday nights. In addition, there are a wide variety of workshops to help you grow stronger in your faith.

Dig Deeper with God & the Bible

  • Lakeside Teaching: Book of Psalms
  • Alpha
  • Revelation
  • Special Friends Adult Bible Study

Sharpen Your Relationships

  • Marital Restoration
  • Positive Parenting: Fireworks & Fireflies—Maximizing Your Family’s Summer
  • Social Intelligence: Keys to Better Relationships
  • Spiritual Parenting

Move toward Healing & Recovery

Develop Your Skills & Gifts

A Taste of the Summit (Global Leadership Summit messages via DVD)

  • A Leader of Unimaginable Influence (John Ortberg)
  • The Courage Leadership Requires (Bill Hybels)
  • Right Title…Wrong Kingdom (Chris Brown)
  • The Multiplier Effect (Liz Wiseman)
  • Viral Leadership: Multiplying Your Impact Exponentially (Oscar Muriu)
  • Mastering the Skill of Influence (Joseph Grenny)

Midweek for Kids
If your current season of life includes raising kids, you can make Midweek part of your refueling process! Infants through age 5 kids will experience safe, nurturing childcare. Kids in kindergarten through grade 5 will take their understanding of Scripture to a deeper level through a unique program that allows them to choose a track in drama, art, or team building, and includes group discussion and Scripture memorization techniques. Learn more >>

Pick up a Spring Catalog at Midweek or weekend services to learn more about available workshops beginning in April.

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