Gurus of Tech Conference


Hey Staff.  On May 21 and 22, our production team is hosting a conference called Gurus of Tech  for close to 1500 technical artists from local churches all around the US and as far away as Hong Kong.  So if you see a bunch of people in all black wearing tool belts, or if you have trouble parking in your normal spot, now you know why!

Each week, our production team works hard to create life changing moments through the fusion of the technical and creative arts.  Not just doing cool production-y things because they are cool, but partnering with the programming teams in Next Gen, on the weekend and midweek services, as well as maximizing our technical systems to leverage technology for the sake of our congregation having an encounter with God.

At so many churches, tech people are working alone and discouraged by the amount of work that needs to be done and by bringing this community together at Gurus, we are hoping to help connect like-minded people, help them learn something about their craft and to inspire them to continue on in ministry.  The amazing work that our production team does without thinking is like a beacon on a hill for these technical artists.  We should be really proud of the work that our staff and volunteers do each week!

I’m letting you know all this for a few reasons.

Harvest is going to be jammed on Tuesday and Wednesday (May 21-22).  So if you normally eat in there on those days, there will be box lunches, salads and the lunch of the day available for purchase in Dr. B’s so you can beat the crowd.

Another is to let you know that we appreciate your partnership in hosting so many guests, and for any inconvenience caused by having 1500 introverted tech geeks roaming around the building, we have worked out a deal with Dr. B’s to provide free brewed coffee for the Willow staff on Thursday, May 23.  Just head over and they’ll hook you up.

The third reason is to ask for your prayers.

  • For our own production staff and volunteers, who are normally behind the scenes and will be playing host and teaching breakouts to all these people.  Needless to say, this is outside of our comfort zone and we really want this to be super effective.
  • For the people attending, that they would able to receive whatever God has for them while they are here.

I know that we open our building to all different kinds of groups all the time, but this group is very close to the heart of our production team.  It is a chance for us to do some direct ministry to what feels like “our” people.  Thanks for your help in welcoming this group to our campus next week!

-Todd Elliot


1 Comment:

  • Wally Marshall
    May 15, 2013

    Hi Todd, how has this conference been marketed? I have not heard form all my production friends that they are coming to town. Is there a registration link, more information? Last minute add on’s ???


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