Don’t miss Former Summit Speaker, Jeff Manion, this Saturday at the C&J Rally!


Jeff Manion for web

As many of you already know, all C&J volunteers are gathering this Saturday, September 14, from 8:30-11:30, and we’d love it if you would join us!  The main session will feature Jeff Manion, a former Summit speaker and the lead teaching pastor at Ada Bible Church in Grand Rapids, MI.

Jeff’s great joy is digging deeply into Scripture and passionately teaching the story of the Bible in a clear and relevant way. Jeff’s first book, The Land Between, was released in 2010 and his second book, Satisfied, is scheduled to be released in early January.

During the Rally, Jeff will be giving a message on soul care in light of busy ministry seasons, something our whole staff can understand. While the Rally is intended for C&J volunteers, the content is sure to equip and encourage all of us who are in the trenches daily.  Sign up today and we hope to see you there!

The C&J Team

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