DadFest Update: South Barrington


Just wanted to give you an update on some of the DadFest details occurring at the South Barrington Campus this weekend.

First, I wanted to make sure you all knew you were invited to enter a team in the Rib Wars competition. We have filled out most of our Sunday slots, but we have some room for teams on Saturday. This would work especially well for those of you at the regional campuses. Just think about the right to brag to everyone that your campus beat all the other campuses. Think about it. We provide the meat and grills, you do everything else. This is also a great chance to build team with some of your core volunteers. It will be lots of fun and we have some serious prizes. Check out the Rib Wars website for details, or email Mike Shintani, the official grill master of Rib Wars 2012.

Second, the A and B parking lots will be closed at the South Barrington campus on Thursday and Friday. That is the area for DadFest 2012 and we have lots to do for set-up before the weekend.

Third, we are in need of a few more volunteers. We have lots of easy, family friendly serving opportunities. How hard is it to hand out a hot dog? Anyway, any help would be appreciated. Let Lori Meyers know if you can help.

And you don’t want to miss the grilled turtle my team will be serving. Some serious good eat’n. Thanks.

Grill Up!


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