

Parents & Children Experiencing Spiritual Conversations Together

Converge is an annual experience for Promiseland’s 2nd – 5th grade kids and their parents to engage in catalytic spiritual conversations. This event focuses on what it means to be a Follower of Jesus and/or Communion.

This year the focus was teaching all about communion. Kids received a short, “What I Believe” questionnaire and completed it before parents arrived. Parents were dismissed early from the main service to join their kids. When parents arrived, they sat with their kids and discussed the answers with their child and then took the next step. For some, they wanted to think about their decision more. For many, who were already followers of Jesus, they took communion for the first time guided by and with their parents. And for others, the child chose for the first time to become a Follower of Jesus and took their first communion with much rejoicing.

Kids received special Promiseland certificates to remember this most important decision.  According to Susan Shadid, “It was an amazing experience as we saw parents hugging their sons/daughters with tears. A number of families requested photos to be taken with their child holding their certificates. It was powerful as I  watched parents leaning and listening to their child throughout the room and hallways. My eyes watered also. Seeing life change is what it is all about! ” Parents commented how they themselves had a clearer appreciation and understanding of communion. Parents were then given a resource packet to take home with next steps to engage in spiritual practices and conversations with their kids.


1 Comment:

  • David deWaard
    May 16, 2012


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