C&J Volunteer Event


The Compassion and Justice staff team enjoyed a great time of training and challenge at the Compassion and Justice Volunteer Event. On Saturday, August 25th from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., the team hosted over 400 at the event which featured world class speakers, including keynote speaker, Rev. Dr. Soong-Chan Rah.

The morning began with worship led by Willow’s own Aaron Niequist. Then Dr. Rah, Associate Professor of Church Growth and Evangelism at North Park Theological Seminary, delivered the keynote message on where evangelism and justice meet.

Breakout Sessions
Attenders chose from two breakout sessions led by Rev. Dr. Alise Barrymore, Dr. Robert Lupton, Rev. Dr. Soong-Chan Rah and Willow’s own Heather Larson. These sessions offered in depth exploration of various topics, such as intercultural intelligence, self-care, community development and the values of compassion and justice.

Soul Care:
Rev. Dr. Alise Barrymore invited attenders to discover a Biblical foundation for caring for themselves no matter what season of life we are currently experiencing.

Community Development:
Dr. Robert Lupton shared challenging insights about the complexities of compassion and the future of community development.

Intercultural Intelligence:
Rev. Dr. Soong Chan Rah helped attenders understand intercultural intelligence and gave them practical steps for raising this value in their lives.

C&J 101:
Heather Larson and the directors of Compassion & Justice shared the many ways you can use the gifts God has imparted to you to serve others and make Jesus known in the world.

It was the hope of the C&J Team, that this dynamic training experience would inspire and equip current C&J volunteers, and offer those still exploring the ministries of Compassion and Justice an opportunity to learn more about where God may be calling them to serve.

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