Care Center Groundbreaking …Willow Style


“What letter are you?”

“I’m an E.”

This was typical of many conversations held on Willow Creek’s South Barrington campus over the course of the June 8-10 weekend. Those who were there knew what was happening as Willow attenders of all ages headed to the F parking lot. It was the groundbreaking of the new Care Center facility.

More than 9,000 participated in four celebration groups over the weekend: one Friday night for Care Center ministry volunteers followed by the Saturday night service and both Sunday morning services. “E” was one letter that made up the words JOY, HOPE and LIFE, all of which were spelled out in human form. An aerial photographer harnessed in a helicopter snapped pictures that will be enlarged, framed, and hung in the new Care Center.

Thank you to everyone who played a part in putting the groundbreaking celebration together and the many more who are playing crucial roles in the building project. Even though the groundbreaking events could easily be perceived as celebrating a building, it is so much more than that. The building merely helps facilitate a ministry that works for transformation in the lives of every guest. “The groundbreaking for the new Care Center space is the realization of a dream for which people in this ministry and congregation have prayed for many years,” says Josie. Thank you to all who worked to mark this moment in Willow’s history and those continuing to help make this dream a reality.

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