AXIS Retreat Update


For me, God showed up in a huge way through Josh Riebock’s teaching, as well as the worship. “If you want to be changed by God, you have to stop trying to be Him,” Josh said. This was only one of many key takeaways for me as I examined the transformation that is still taking place in my life. There was something special, too, about being together as a community, away from all that was familiar and routine, worshipping God under the stars, laughing, dancing, learning together. Last weekend felt like glue. Even as my Operations team and I scrambled to execute different tasks, I was so thankful for solidarity, for oneness, for the feeling that we were all in it together. And after 15 hours of sleep from Sunday to Monday morning last weekend, I’m facing this week more excited – more eager – than ever before to see what God will surprise me with in the new day of AXIS. I hope you’re excited, too.

Ashlee Holmes
AXIS Director of Operations

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