A Special Friends Christmas


Sunday night (12/12) we hosted a Special Friends’ family Christmas party—and it was a raving success! We provided a time for families with special needs to relax and enjoy a meal, engage in a Christmas experience and worship together.

It is rare for these families to have a safe place outside of their homes to be together. One family said, “Thank you for providing a place where we feel comfortable bringing our son.” And, it was a gift that a Harvest team served the guests. A family member specifically told them, “This is the first year I get to sit at the table with my child rather than serve at this event. Thank you!” Overall, families felt blessed, welcome and safe to be themselves.

One of my favorite moments was when the whole crowd wildly participated in “Joy to the World”…many parents had cameras in hand taking photos, people played instruments and many participants danced and sang along. There was one family there who told me as they entered, “We are Jewish, can you forgive us for coming to a Christmas party?” and I said, “You are welcome here! Did you know Jesus was Jewish?” I saw them singing “Joy to the World” as well and I just had to smile. Did they know they were singing, “Joy to the World, the Lord HAS COME?!” 🙂 I pray that they too were drawn a little closer to Him.

Thank you, to all the Willow staff, who helped serve these families. It was one of the few moments they could simply sit, enjoy and receive what God and our church had for them. It was PRECIOUS!

1 Comment:

  • David deWaard
    December 19, 2010

    I wish i was there

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