Stock the Store Update

Staff Team, It has been a couple weeks since the whole church joined together to “Stock the Store” and it’s been incredible to see the generosity of Willow attenders. Over the course of the two weekends, nineteen gaylords of onesies, pajamas, undergarments, and socks were collected! Since then teams from the WCA and Compassion &…

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Recycling Results

I wanted to thank each of you for your role in our recycling efforts. It was a little over a year ago that we began our recycling program in earnest and it seemed appropriate to mark our progress as we finish the year.  We have made great gains and have not lost ground in our…

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Alpha Course Update

Willow’s third Alpha Course at the South Barrington campus finished a few weeks ago, so we thought we’d share the final numbers that Alpha achieved over 2012. 450 people attended, 340 completed the course 141 people invited the Holy Spirit, made first time decisions, recommitments 96% of all guests would recommend Alpha to non-Christians they know…

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180 Baptized before Thanksgiving

On the weekend of November 17/18, 180 people were baptized at Willow South Barrington. At the 11:15 a.m. service, as friends and family members went on stage to celebrate with those who had just made their faith public, the stage became crowded to the point that friends and family members were asked to wait on…

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